Ben LaVerriere

#bbradio liner notes

One of my coworkers started a collaborative “community radio” project while we’re all working remotely. Folks sign up to share music they like to listen to, while working (“flow state”) or not (“after hours”). I’ve included the Spotify embeds for mine below, as well as some more detailed notes and fun bonuses.

flow state 🔗

Things I seem to like in my work music: repeated patterns, off-kilter rhythms, weird vocal noises. I’ve tried to give this list a bit of a cadence if you listen to it in order, but I’ve also spent hours listening to many of these songs on repeat individually! Note: this probably involves a lot more vocals and beats than many “while working” playlists.

after hours 🔗

This one is much less cohesive, and certainly doesn’t have a prescribed order. Shuffle away!